Questions to Ask of Former Geftakys Assemblies

Some Assembly members believe the only problems were George's unfortunate ethical and moral lapses. However, the Assemblies are completely the product of George Geftakys' ministry and leadership. Because he proved to be a liar and an immoral man from the beginning, everything he taught and instituted should be thoroughly examined. Anyone thinking about joining one of these groups and those evaluating whether to remain "in fellowship" should look for answers to the following questions.

  1. Have the leaders examined the errors in teaching and practice, acknowledged them, and made public corrections?  What tools do they have to do that, having been trained exclusively under George Geftakys' teaching?

    • Is it taught that when the believer stands before the Great Tribunal on the Day of Judgment, God will justify the believer according to his or her behavior in this life?  Did he or she "walk with the Lord", "live in obedience", "exercise overcoming faith", etc?  In other words, is justification based on our present behavior, rather than by trusting in the perfect, sinless, obedient life of Another -- our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?

    • Is it taught that failure to live in "victory over sin" means forfeiture of the believer's inheritance in Christ?

    • Is justification taught as "mere forgiveness" ("the beginning of salvation") and that there is more to enter into -- a "so great salvation"?

    • Is it taught that God is depending on believers to be faithful to the gatherings in order to achieve His eternal purpose in Christ?  That a person's eternal destiny depends on remaining faithful to the "Testimony to Jesus"?

    • Is it taught that believers must enter glory through personal suffering, with the implication that the suffering of Christ was insufficient for entrance into heaven and glory?

  2. How is the Word of God going to be skillfully and consistently expounded?  Who is able to do that?  What will take the place of the easy harangue and subjective interpretation of the Scriptures?
    • Are books on systematic theology and commentaries denigrated?

    • Is "heart knowledge" more valued than "head knowledge"?

    • Is Scripture being interpreted by subjective impressions rather than the hard work of exegesis?

    • Is the divinely intended meaning of a text organically related to the human author's original meaning?

    • Is the meaning of each word of a passage determined by the context in which it occurs?

    • Is the interpretation consistent with the total revelation in the Bible?

    • Is God's redemption of His people in Christ the lens through which every passage is interpreted?

  3. Has the understanding of the biblical limits of authority changed dramatically and openly?  Has the control and coercion been eradicated?
    • Do leaders communicate that consulting them is a necessary part of finding the will of God?

    • Are extra-biblical obligations imposed on believers?

    • Is submission, service and loyalty to the leaders considered a necessary part of "entering in" to the promises of God?

    • Are people pressured into making a "decision" for Christ or "commitment" to fellowship?

    • Can people admit to failings in their Christian life without censure?

    • Is failure met with rebuke, withdrawal and isolation?

  4. Has there been a clear redefinition of roles and behaviors within the family, and in relation to the church?

  5. Is there an open and complete accounting of finances?

  6. Has the elitist attitude been eradicated, and the isolation broken by frequent fellowship with other bodies of believers?
    • Are claims made that the local assembly is the body of Christ?

    • Is "being in fellowship" considered part of salvation?

    • Is it suggested (even subtly) that to "leave fellowship" is to miss out on "God's best"?

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