Directions for Full Time Workers

M. Irons

In 2002, while on a "Spring Journey", George deemed it necessary to issue a bulletin of specific instructions to the full time Workers. He addressed this document primarily to the Workers Meeting in Fullerton, but it was to be read in all the local Workers Meetings as well.

Unlike George's books, which were transcribed from audio tapes and laboriously edited into more or less readable text, this document appears to have been fired off without passing through much editing. There are numerous sentence fragments. Notice the formal, bloated, ungrammatical style. Words and phrases, such as "integrative", "as to", "direction", etc. are used repeatedly. (This writing style is reflected in George's poetry also. Presumably his poems were not subject to editorial influence, either.)

His fourth point regarding "extra activities" of the wives and children of full time Workers is particularly troubling. The families of full time Workers were to have no outside life apart from the Assembly. This is what Brinda and Scott M. described so poignantly. And of course, what every full time Worker must be, all the other Workers and saints ought to have been.

This bulletin was not just a reminder or after-thought elaboration on the "Workers Characteristics." It was sent with urgency from overseas, apparently addressing a problem. He uses italics frequently for emphasis. And he requires signatures, indicating that this was a public rebuke and a tightening of control over the full time Workers. It is signed not only by George Geftakys, but also by Roger Grant, leader of the Midwest Workers Meeting, who was probably his traveling companion and secretary on this journey, and by Mark Miller, who was holding the fort in Fullerton in George's absence, and was on the ground to ensure enforcement.

Does anyone have any insight into what was going on in April, 2002, that would have prompted this bulletin?

Comments from readers:

July 11, 2007, Tom Maddux:  "You are quite correct in your description of GG's pompous, vague, and semi-grammatical writing style. I recall he once told me that his PhD thesis on Nietzsche had been rejected because of his (GG's) strong Christian testimony. He then went on to describe how that had been the experience of his being "broken" by God, leading to the beginning of his true ministry.

"At the time I accepted what he told me uncritically. However, a few years later the very first issue of the Torch and Testimony was published. GG had written the main article. I recall that the article did not make much sense. One sentence in the article took several lines of text, and try as I would I could not discern any meaning whatever! I showed it to Caryl, who agreed with me.

"Some years later I remember him boasting that he used a "complex European writing style". After that I just figured that his thesis had been rejected because it didn't make any sense."

July 12, 2007, Dave M.: "Although I was not "a Worker", this brought back so many memories while reading it I had to fight off the inclination to "stand at attention!" Yes, I definitely see a "between the line message" here. Someone (a prospective worker?) didn't make his home available! It has been a long time but I now remember how often I would hear a message from George and think to myself, "Who is he talking about/to?" Many times I prided myself on "knowing who it was!" or thinking I did. I think this kind of manipulation was in turn repeated by the brethren. This was a great way to assert your will over someone you had butted heads with. I can remember getting up to "give a word" and have had a specific brother or sister in mind! (Living together is great motivation to "get into the scriptures.") Apparently this type of thing is not exclusive to the Assembly. I heard it goes on in other churches, too!"

July 12, 2007, Rachel G.: "Several months prior to April, 2002, Kevin Healy, having heard about the abuse of my mother and her situation, set up a meeting with himself, Hector Perez, and Mark Miller. In preparation for the meeting he requested that I give him a timeline of events showing incidents of abuse, and who knew about it and when. It was that bullet-style timeline of events that I later developed into my story. Since that meeting would have clearly indicated George and Betty's knowledge of abuse throughout the history of the Assembly, I would be surprised if George was not contacted. I am sure a need to tighten the reins and close the ranks was what led to this letter."

July 13, 2007, Bob B.: "I recall back around that time, Eric Farien was added as a full time Worker. I remember thinking back then how strange that he was added as a full time Worker, being so young and so recently in fellowship. There were so few full time Workers I thought that was reserved for like the really anointed ones who could really be effective in preaching. Also I thought they were to be an excellent example in their own life as well as in their family’s. Eric had not been married very long. It just seemed to me that he had not yet been proved as in I Tim. 3:6,10B but who was I - just another one of the bottom dwellers - so I didn't say anything. Perhaps this letter was directed towards him, but indirectly so as not to name names?"

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